Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Surprise For Your Girlfriend

Hello all of you, which are confused right now. I know, guys are stupid they don't know what girls actually want. Honestly they are just a simple creature with complicated way to confess what they truly want. So today i am going to make your life easier. Girls love surprise, they really really love it. The could cry over the gift that you gave to her for hours. Let's see what you can give to her as presents:

1. A box of random chocolate. Girls love chocolate, even they don't like chocolate that much they would be still as happy as they could be when they see a box of chocolate with letters.

The letter can be like "i know you are going to have your period in time so eat it whenever you want to, smile more." and all that cute stuff.

2. Letters. You would be like "why? we have smartphone we can sent message whenever we can!" shush your mouth because you are stupid, you know why we have to use Letters? Because they are more dramatic that's why. These are basically the letters that i meant, write it with all things that come right out your mind, use your heart. Let her know she's meaningful to you.

3. New Clothes. Yeah just by her clothes randomly, make sure you know her style and get to know her size, clothes make girls happy too. Especially you buy it randomly because that makes her think that she is important.

4. Branded Perfume, yeah girls love that shit too. Make sure she's not a tomboy because if she is a tomboy she would think like "what a waste of money.".

Well that's all what make women happy, goodluck with yo girl!

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