Monday, June 13, 2016

How to be A Good Youtuber

Hello and if you are looking for an advice to be a good Youtuber and you clicked this site, congratulations because i know nothing about Youtube. But i personally want to start a Youtube channel next month, so as a viewer by now i can tell you few things about being a good youtuber:

1. Don't swear too much or better just don't swear at all. We all are so thirsty of clean comedy.

2. Show something entertaining, even if it's just a daily life. Make it entertaining.

3. Upload Regularly, don't make your viewers wait too long.

4. Be humble and keep connected to your subscriber.

5. Do GiveAway.

6. Don't be a douchebag, don't be racist and just don't talk about sensitive contents if you can't handle them.

Well, that's it from me.

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