"23 Jump Street" plot still is a mystery as to date whether it will proceed to Medical School as has been previously shown at the end of its predecessor "22 Jump Street", or would they rather enter a Film School?
Nobody knows. Everything is an open possibility as the draft is currently still being written by Rodney Rothman, who was also part of the "22 Jump Street" along with co - writers Michael Bacall, Oren Uziel and Jonah Hill.
But whatever draft it is must have been mind-blowing as it has earned them back the past editions' directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller who previously stated that they will not be working for the future Jump Streets anymore.
After the "22 Jump Street" success garnering a huge $320 million from a $50 million budget, directors and producers Lord and Miller revealed that the sequel will be even crazier stating that, "We've found a way that we love that makes those imagined sequels canonical and yet does something that we haven't told you about yet." accounts Slash Film.
The directing duo was also behind "The Lego Movie" and "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" which also became franchises brought about by their success proving their skills in producing fun movies with bizarre endings.
Whatever they come up with is sure to surprise the viewers for the big prospect that Lord and Miller might be combining all the fake sequels instead shown in the montage of the last movie.
The easier logic to do all this is if the lead actors Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum playing the characters of Schmidt and Jenko enter a Film School.
Whether they enter a Medical school or Film School or enters all parallel universe laid out in the fake sequels, the Sony Hacking Incident in 2014 divulged that "23 Jump Street" might have a crossover with Men in Black.
The Hollywood Reporter tells that there had been discourses about it between Jonah Hill and Sony's Vice Chairwoman Amy Pascal but nothing has been exclusive yet.
However, it is certain that the product of all the plot twists in "23 Jump Street" will be presented to the viewers in 2016.
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