Thursday, June 9, 2016

What Happen in Palestine?

Islam, it's the religion of peace. Literally, but the followers aren't seem so peace. The western world, the media make us look so bad. Terrorist, pedophile, not giving women right and stuff. Well some of what the media says are true, but most of them are false. To me personally Islam is trying to protect the women but honestly deep down in my heart i feel like they actually not giving right to women like they have to cover up and stuff, geez sorry i am not ready for this one, i mean there is nothing wrong with being all covered up it's better than wearing bikini of course. But some stuff like terrorist and pedophile aren't true of course. I mean some terrorist might happen to be a muslim but let's be real there are some of countries that being attacked and they are muslim country, Syria, Palestine. Guess who attacked them? Yeah they are Israel, the US even French has landed bomb lately which has killed like hundred or maybe thousands of innocent kids in Palestine and Syria. I feel so sorry for them. It's hard when all the civilians don't wanna move, you know why? Because it's their land. Wanna know what Israel do to Palestine? No it's not a war. It's totally Israel want to steal Palestine land, look at what they did to the children:

May Allah protect them. Spread the words!

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